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        【產品名稱】:VigRX Plus Sex Tablets Sex Drugs


        【所屬類別】:大保健產品 免疫調節




        VigRX Plus Sex Tablets Sex Drugs
        Features: Enlarge your penis 3inch. Stronger and harder erections. Achieve rock hard erections any time you want VigRX Plus
        VigRX is a natural herbal formula containing saw palmetto, Asian ginseng root and various other exotic ingredients that have been known to help with male virility, penis health, and penis enlargement. So not only do the capsules improve sexual health and strengthen erections, but also increase the length by allowing more blood flow into the organ. VigRx is the original product of this nature and with millions of bottles being sold worldwide, it has proved to be the most successful penis enlargement product currently available.
        Functions: Enlarge your penis. Stronger and harder erections. Achieve rock hard erections any time you want. Form a truly muscular looking penis that will impress and arouse your love. More powerful orgasms. VigRX Plus
        Ingredients: Epimedium Leaf Extract, Cuscuta Seed Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Asian Red Ginseng, Saw Palmetto Berry, Muira Pauma Bark Extract, Hawthorn Berry, Catuaba Bark Extract.
        Usage: Take one grain when you need. Not over use them. VigRX Plus
        Specification: 15pills/plate x 4 plates/ box
        VigRX Plus Expiration Time: 36 months
        VigRX Plus Storage: Sealed in cool and dry place. Keep away from light.


        VigRX Plus Sex Tablets Sex Drugs
        Features: Enlarge your penis 3inch. Stronger and harder erections. Achieve rock hard erections any time you want VigRX Plus
        VigRX is a natural herbal formula containing saw palmetto, Asian ginseng root and various other exotic ingredients that have been known to help with male virility, penis health, and penis enlargement. So not only do the capsules improve sexual health and strengthen erections, but also increase the length by allowing more blood flow into the organ. VigRx is the original product of this nature and with millions of bottles being sold worldwide, it has proved to be the most successful penis enlargement product currently available.
        Functions: Enlarge your penis. Stronger and harder erections. Achieve rock hard erections any time you want. Form a truly muscular looking penis that will impress and arouse your love. More powerful orgasms. VigRX Plus
        Ingredients: Epimedium Leaf Extract, Cuscuta Seed Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Asian Red Ginseng, Saw Palmetto Berry, Muira Pauma Bark Extract, Hawthorn Berry, Catuaba Bark Extract.
        Usage: Take one grain when you need. Not over use them. VigRX Plus
        Specification: 15pills/plate x 4 plates/ box
        VigRX Plus Expiration Time: 36 months
        VigRX Plus Storage: Sealed in cool and dry place. Keep away from light.



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